Officially A TriPaw

Yep, Molly has officially joined the club. Her amputation is done and went very smoothly! I had a moment of panic when we didn’t hear from the surgeon 90 minutes after they called to let us know they were starting, so I was ‘that crazy dog mom’ who called and talked to a surgeon nurse during the procedure. Whoops! The only unusual thing that they found was some bruising in the deep tissues of the muscle. They didn’t plan to examine her leg after amputating (since the fine needle aspirate already confirmed osteosarcoma) but after seeing that bruising, they send the entire leg to the lab, along with two bone biopsies. We won’t hear any results from those until Monday, but when I asked if it could be anything that would change our plan for chemo, they said no. So, stay tuned!

We dropped her off this morning at 7:30 and between last night snuggles and this morning lovins, I knew that she knew she was going to have something special happen to her. She was giving me that soul-penetrating look but it wasn’t the kind that made me feel guilty for putting her through such a significant surgery… It seemed so wise and knowing that we were (/are) trying to do what’s best for her. She is the smartest dog and we are so lucky to have her.

Last night we took her swimming (her FAVORITE activity) for the last time as a four-legged. We were nervous because she likes to sprint across the rocks on her way to chase the stick out in the water, but we found a spot with a deep hole that kept her from tweaking that right leg. She wasn’t expecting it the first time and did a total underwater dunk, which cracked us up and delighted her (she loves to be underwater). Here are a few pics:

Gotta get that stick!
Rolling in the rocks.IMG_4798
Rolling in the grass.
Wants the stick!
Beautiful mountain puppy!

We get to pick Molly up tomorrow morning at 9:30. Can’t wait to get her home and on the mend!

7 thoughts on “Officially A TriPaw”

  1. Look at her!! She is BEAUTIFUL!! I bet you are so excited to see that sweet face tomorrow morning. You are also so lucky that she likes the water – it is SO good for them in building strength after their surgery (of course, once the wound has healed!). We just started taking Mac to PT and as I told you he does NOT like the water. He kept looking at me like ‘oh heck no get me out of here!!’ But we will persist, since it builds strength in their core and front legs.

    Can’t wait for an update!

    <3 Jamie and Mac

  2. MOLLY! You are soooo darn adorably cute!!

    A d you’ll be doing all these same fun things once your recovery takes place!!

    Yes, dogs are wise souls indeed. They “know” we always have their best jnterest at heart!

    Stay connected, okay? Recovery is no picnic for a bit. Once the sparkle comes back though….@et the good times roll!

    Tha ks for the great poctures! Grinning ear to ear over here!

    Hugs a d love!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    1. Thank you Sally!! You’re right, this isn’t easy but if Molly has taught us anything, it’s to look on the bright and “pawsitive” side of things — that will help us through it! Your words of encouragement are pumping us up, too!

  3. She is beautiful an glad everything went well. She will be up running an swimming in no time.tripawds rock?❤

    1. Thank you! We can’t wait to take her swimming for the first time post-amp. Gotta get a life vest though! 🙂

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